Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Lazy Wednesday

Been quite a busy day today, getting ready for Friday's jaunt down to Kent.  Have joined the RAC, just incase.

Had a little bit of time so had a little play with my crafting goodies.  I found a freebie stencil which came with a magazine so I thought I'd just experiment and see if it was any good.  Here's the result, but it's in the developing stage at the moment .......... so........ I must not touch, I must not touch ......... so I will sit on my hands.

Here's a bored Archie, sitting on the back of the sofa wondering if he's going to get out for his 2nd walk.

Right, off for a bit of fresh air then back to check the tyres on the car (yuk) will leave petrol, radiator check and oil check until tomorrow.


  1. You are a good girl not to touch ... This is a 'cool' technique and you have really nailed it.
    Gonna be good ... hugs to Archie, I adore him! xxxxxxxx

    1. I'll hug Archie anytime :) thanks for your kind comments xx

  2. This is lovely I have never tried it. Probably never will lol xxx

  3. Elaine, I love this, it's, you're certainly moving on with new techniques, I'm loving seeing what you're making now xx
